Mission & Vision
Our Mission
Our mission is to radically glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of our Christian life, and being obedient to His Word by expanding the kingdom of God by bringing people into the faith. Along with teaching them to build their lives on that never changing foundation, God's Word, that will never pass away. Employing the Word of God to equip the saints with the knowledge of who they are and what they have in Christ, not only in our small circle, but also around the world. Our commission is to help them grow into strong 21st century disciples operating in their spiritual and ministry gifts, following Jesus’ example of praying, healing the sick, and setting the captive free, in His Name. |
Our Vision
Our vision is to see members lives transformed by the Holy Spirit and resolved to live a Holy life as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. We visualize a congregation so radical and on fire about the Lord Jesus Christ that they share the joy of salvation at every opportunity. We also see ourselves sharing God’s love in our local community by helping children with back to school supplies and Christmas gifts. Our expanded vision is to communicate God’s love in Africa, by helping people improve their lives and alleviating suffering. We can accomplish this by providing established schools with necessary supplies, digging wells for clean water, and providing nourishment. It is a big dream, but we serve a Big God. |